Ravage Logo


RAVAGE was a Thrash/Death metal band from Düsseldorf, Germany. The band was founded in the year 2000 and officially existed until 2012.

During its existence, the band released three albums, one promo EP and one demo, and played 120 live gigs.


Ravage band photo


  • Bernd Steuer: bass
  • Daniel Pietzsch: guitar (hiatus 2008-2012)
  • Christoph Zeller: guitar (since 2005)
  • Dennis Thiele: drums
  • Lordbier: vocals

Former members

  • Demian Heuke: guitar (until 2005)

Live members

  • Marius Pesch ("Jussi"): guitar (2008-2012)

Full Biography

RAVAGE was founded back in 2000 in Düsseldorf, Germany by Demian Heuke, Daniel Pietzsch, Jan Michels aka Lordbier and Dennis Thiele with the aim to play hellish and fierce Thrash/Death Metal. The band simply calls their music style "Thrash Death Attack".

In November 2000 RAVAGE started playing live. In February 2001 the band released their first demo called “TO KILL AND DESTROY” in order to get more possibilities to play live. A lot of concerts followed since May 2003 when RAVAGE released their 1st record called “INFERNAL DEVASTATION”. A high speed old school thrash death inferno. From little online metal mags up to the big print metal magazines ID received just overwhelming reviews. Many gigs followed, solidifying the band's position in the German underground as a satanic thrashing force. To this day, RAVAGE has played about 100 shows.

In January 2005 the band released their 2nd record "GET FUCKING SLAUGHTERED".

GFS heralded an even faster and heavier chapter of the German "Thrash Death Attack". After the release of a 4 track Promo in early 2007, the RAVAGE fuckers are now back with their 3rd output "VIOLENT OFFENSE". This is the final conflict, so get ready to screw your heads off and praise the fucking goat!!!

Links and Contact


Violent Offense

Released 13.08.2008


Violent Offense CD Cover


  1. Violent Offense
  2. Disposer Of Cruelty
  3. Systematic Anguish
  4. Marooned
  5. Involuntary Resurrection
  6. Beyond Morality
  7. Apocalyptic Raid
  8. Drop-Blade Execution
  9. Sadistic Termination
  10. Christian Deception
  11. Dead Cravings

Total Ravage Time: 46:19 Min.


  • Bernd Steuer: bass
  • Daniel Pietzsch: guitar
  • Christoph Zeller: guitar
  • Dennis Thiele: drums
  • Lordbier: vocals

Liner Notes

Violent Offense was recorded and engineered by Kristof "Damage Prince Of Hell" Becker at HHSR between May and August 2008
Produced by RAVAGE and Kristof Becker
Mixed and mastered by Kristof Becker, Christoph Zeller
Frontcoverartistry by Andre Kieschnik (grotesque.mind *AT* gmx.net)
Additional Layout by Dustin Lingemann, Bernd Steuer, Daniel Pietzsch
Photography by Alex Zackiewicz
RAVAGE-Logo by LordBier

Thanks a lot to all of you, ripping your guts out to advance the offense!

Special Thanx for gear lending to Dustin Schiffer and Torben Wegner!

Gangshouts in "Christian Deception" by Janina, Ramona, the Defectdead-Boozing-Mashine and all Ravagerz

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Apocalyptic Raid - Promo

Released 16.03.2007


Promo 2007 CD Cover


  1. Apocalyptic Raid
  2. Drop-Blade Execution
  3. Dead Cravings
  4. Invoke The Infernal God

Total Ravage Time: 15:30 Min.


  • Bernd Steuer: bass
  • Lordbier: vocals
  • Dennis Thiele: drums
  • Christoph Zeller: guitar
  • Daniel Pietzsch: guitar

Liner Notes

Recorded in summer 2006 by Alex Sokolovski
Produced by RAVAGE and Alex Sokolovski
Mixed in January 2007 by Alex Sokolovski & RAVAGE
Engineered by Alex Sokolovski
Cover layout by Daniel Pietzsch & Oliver Gebel
Front cover photos by Thomas Stephan & Fotodesign Johannes Gottschalk - Hamm
RAVAGE-Logo by LordBier
All music & lyrics by RAVAGE

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Get Fucking Slaughtered

Released 15.01.2005


Get Fucking Slaughtered CD Cover


  1. Introduction
  2. Get Fucking Slaughtered
  3. Havoc Command
  4. Nuclear Storm
  5. Holycaust
  6. Devilish Strike
  7. Riddled
  8. Vow Of Desecration
  9. Into Your Demise
  10. Blazing Chaos (Death Upon The Nazarene)
  11. Bloody Revenge

Total Ravage Time: 36:41 Min.


  • Bernd Steuer: bass
  • Daniel Pietzsch: guitar
  • Demian Heuke: guitar
  • Dennis Thiele: drums
  • Lordbier: vocals

Liner Notes

To record this piece of slaughter, we gathered at Hellfire Rehearsal Room on several days between May and Novembre 2004. By offering most of his freetime and all of his patience, Alex Sokolovski recorded, produced, engineered, mixed and mastered the stuff. Thanks a lot!!! He also found some knowing help by Jan and Demian in the mixing-part and by all Ravage-Fuckers in the whole production.
The cover was painted by Andreas "The man who paints faster than his shadow" Krieger. Thx!
Further graphical hacking was provided by Daniel and Bernd.
All Songs arranged by Ravage.
All fuckin' Basslines by Bernd Steuer.
"Bloody Revenge" is a re-recorded track from our "To kill and Destroy" Demo 2000.
"Into your demise" is dedicated to the crown who unfortunately finished their Deathrace (R.I.P.)

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Infernal Devastation

Released 22.03.2003


Infernal Devastation CD Cover


  1. Blasphemic War
  2. Disinfestation
  3. Infinite Hate
  4. Execution Call
  5. Drowning in Blood
  6. Day of Devastation
  7. Totalravage

Total Ravage Time: 26:01 Min.


  • Dennis Thiele: drums
  • Demian Heuke: guitars
  • Jan Michels: vocals
  • Bernd Steuer: bass
  • Daniel Pietzsch: guitars

Liner Notes

Recorded at Hellfire Rehearsal Room, Düsseldorf between December 2002 & February 2003 by Alex Sokolovski
Produced by RAVAGE & Alex Sokolovski
Engineering and Sampling by Alex Sokolovski
Mixed by Alex Sokolovski & RAVAGE
Cover by Marlet Heckhoff
Layout by Daniel, Bernd & Demian
RAVAGE Logo by Jan Michels
All songs arranged by RAVAGE

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To Kill And Destroy - Demo

Released 31.03.2001


To Kill And Destroy CD Cover


  1. Die By The Chainsaw
  2. Bloody Revenge
  3. Morgue
  4. Killing Is My Ecstasy

Total Ravage Time: 20:12 Min.


  • Demian Heuke: guitars
  • Daniel Pietzsch: guitars and bass
  • Jan Michels: vocals
  • Dennis Thiele: drums

Liner Notes

Recorded February/March 2001 at the Proberaum von uns
Produced by Daniel Pietzsch and RAVAGE
Engineered by Daniel Pietzsch
Mixed by Daniel Pietzsch
Layout by Daniel Pietzsch and Jan Michels
RAVAGE logo by Jan Michels
Photo by Stefan Stecher
All music by Heuke/Pietzsch
All lyrics by Jan Michels
Bass played by Daniel Pietzsch

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Ravage - Blasphemic War LIVE in Berlin 2005


→ → → Scroll this way → → →
Photo by Alex Zackiewicz
Photo by Demian Heuke
Photo by Fallen Angel
Photo by Fallen Angel
Photo by Fallen Angel
Photo by Sebastian Freitag


  1. : Haus der Jugend, Neuss. With Witchtower, Fabulous Disaster.
  2. : Farewell-gig, Greyhound Pier, Neuss. With Lifeless, Requiem, The Very End.
  3. : The Crown Release Show, Turock, Essen. With The Crown.
  4. : Haus der Jugend, Duisburg. With Vanir.
  5. : Dark Embrace 12, Glashütte, Köln. With Bleed, Slotiy, Hollow Words, Escape Morality, .
  6. : Blood Fire Fest, Begegnungsstätte , Bergneustadt-Hackenberg. With Slaves Under Machine Gods, Witching hour, Diabolical imperium, Sabiendas.
  7. : age Against Racism Warm-Up, JZ Mühle, Duisburg. With Cause For Confusion,Guerrilla, The Very End.
  8. : UNHOLY INQUISITION, Die Halle, Frankfurt. With Obsessör, Delirium Tremens.
  9. : Accension To The Throne, Haus Der Jugend, Neuss. With Demonical, Deathbound, My Own Grave.
  10. : Blue Shell, Köln. With Power.
  11. : Battles in the Norf 7, Haus Derikum, Neuss. With Brutal Unrest, Power.
  12. : Druckluft, Oberhausen. With tba.
  13. : Intense Festival, Ex-Haus / Balkensaal, Trier. With Slaves Under Machine Gods.
  14. : Break the Universe, UFO, Bergisch Gladbach. With Retaliation + tba .
  15. : Death Over Düsseldorf, AK47, Düsseldorf. With Tendencia, Warfield Within, Frozen Inside uvm.
  16. : Dong Open Air, Dong-Berg, Neukirchen-Vluyn. With Amorphis, Rage, Skyclad, Dornenreich, Kingdom of Salvation, The Very End u.v.m..
  17. : Queens Of Metal, Irgendein Acker, Kleinwenkheim. With Misery Index, Tankard, Illdisposed, Witchburner, etc.pp..
  18. : Rage Against Racism, JZ Mühle, Duisburg. With Motorjesus, Hatefactor, Synasthasia, Custard, uswusf..
  19. : Haus Derikum, Neuss. With Abyssaria, Witchtower, Candescence, Divine Zero.
  20. : RKW, Viersen. With Battlesword + tba.
  21. : Love&Peace-Festival, JZ MÜhle, Duisburg. With Witchtower, Kingdom of Salvation, Erazor, Retaliation, Battlesword uvm.
  22. : Brainslaughter Resurrection No, BüZe , Köln-Ehrenfeld. With Guerrilla, Motorjesus, A-Rise, Rebattered.
  23. : Alte Post, Langenzenn. With In Shadows That Bleed, Necropsy, Schistosoma.
  24. : BATTLES IN THE NORF 666, Haus Derikum, Neuss. With Sinister, Izegrim, Centaurus A, Soulcancer.
  25. : When Autumn Leaves-Festival, Saint, Oberhausen. With Dark Age, Symbiontic uvm.
  26. : Dark Embrace X, Fabrik, Köln. With A-Rise, All We Hate, Fiendish Gloom uvm.
  27. : Rheingebolze, Sojus, Monheim. With tba.
  28. : Violent Offense-Releaseparty, Lux, Ratingen. With Crikey, Stigmatized.
  29. : 5 Jahre Metalnight, Haus der Jugend, Neuss. With Spectral, A-Rise, Sacrasphemy, Suburb of Hell.
  30. : Jugendclubhaus Westend, Mönchengladbach. With Power, All Your Lies, Bloodmoon (NL), Hammerdon.
  31. : Helvete, Oberhausen. With Hellgore, Kadavrik.
  33. : Jugendhaus, Schweinfurt. With Hatred, Hateful Agony.
  34. : POWER Releaseparty, BüZe, Köln-Ehrenfeld. With Power, Warfield Within, World Downfall + tba.
  35. : Destroyed World, Schützenhalle, Meschede-Olpe. With Evereve, Contradiction, Midwinter, Torian, Grailknights u.a..
  36. : Steel Meets Steel, Matrix, Bochum. With Symbiontic, Sabaton uvm.
  37. : Step, Mönchengladbach. With Warfield Within, tba.
  38. : Break The Universe II, UFO, Bergisch Gladbach. With Dew-Scented, Power, Elite Hunting.
  39. : Love&Peace Festival III, JZ Mühle, Duisburg-Rheinhausen. With Contradiction, Brutal Unrest, Agamendon, WorldEscape.
  40. : Battles In The Norf 4, Haus Derikum, Neuss. With Kingdom Of Salvation, Burning Butthairs, Hatred, Purgatory.
  41. : turock, Essen. With One Man Army & The Undead Quartet, Misery Speaks, Sarx.
  42. : Schlachtnachten, Hoffnungshütte, Düsseldorf. With A-Rise, Power.
  43. : Rock für den Kicker!!!, Alte Post, Oelde. With Grailknights, Osyris, Insane Mind.
  44. : JuZe Hürth, Hürth / Köln. With Power, Warfield Within.
  45. : Extreme Metal Festival II, Luise, Nürnberg. With Border Of Insanity, Lunatic Affliction, Entera, Feats for the crows.
  46. : megaphon, Burscheid. With Kingdom Of Salvation, Human Depravity.
  47. : Brainslaughter-Festival, BüZe, Köln-Ehrenfeld. With Guerrilla, Motorjesus, The Satyr.
  48. : Thrash Until You Drop 3, Kulturwerkstatt, Paderborn. With Contradiction, Aardvarks, Bugen Hagen.
  49. : Rock im Loch - Open Air, Horstmarer Loch, Lünen. With Tony Gorilla, May The Force Be With You, Absence uvm.
  50. : Katafalk MCD-Releaseparty, Vera, Groningen [NL]. With Katafalk(NL), Outburst(NL).
  51. : Sonic, Soest. With Grailknights, Osyris.
  52. : Z, Freiburg. With Assorted Nails + Torment Pain (FRA).
  53. : Rage Against Racism - Open Air, JZ Mühle, Duisburg. With Elvenking(ITA), Goddess Of Desire(NL), Motorjesus, Hatefactor, Blood Red Angel, Synasthasia, Dynamite Kiss, The Bonny Situation.
  54. : Funzel, Krefeld-Gartenstadt. With Jormundgard, Jane, Tulip, Invoid.
  55. : Starclub, Mülheim a.d.R.. With The Legion (SWE), Rotting Faith(FRA).
  56. : Acting Like Maniacs-Festival, Cafe Brink, Emmerich. With Witchtower, Stormrider, Mortal Form (NL).
  57. : LUX, Ratingen. With Stormrider, Lindisfarne.
  58. : Battles In The Norf, Haus Derikum, Neuss. With Resurrected, Symbiontic, Respawn, Xenotaph.
  59. : Abyss Arise, Uni Düsseldorf, SP-Saal, Düsseldorf. With Witchtower, Atemtor, Friendly Fire, Belfry.
  60. : Little Devil, Tilburg (NL). With Ephel Duath(ITA), Worldescape.
  61. : Ruhrmetal Band Contest, Club Saint, Oberhausen. With Crikey, Serpent Soul, Skullbreaker, Chimaera, Oneiros, Grailknights.
  62. : Last Night On Earth-Festival, Bürgerhaus, Anröchte. With Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, The Vision Bleak, Belphegor(AUT) u.v.m..
  63. : Jugendhaus Bunker, Leverkusen. With World Downfall, Kingdom Of Salvation.
  64. : Eastend, Berlin. With Respawn, Hatred & Orphanhate.
  65. : Fairwell, Iserlohn. With Absence, Veroxity.
  66. : JZ Henri, Moers. With November's Fall, Synasthasia, Sacrasphemy.
  67. : Neckbreaker - Festival, Starclub, Mülheim. With Crikey, Nordafrost, Symbiontic, Excrementory Grindfuckers.
  68. : Blast Furnace, Z-Bau, Nürnberg. With Xenotaph, Burning Butthairs, Delirium Tremens, Schistosoma, Final Breath.
  69. : Sojus 7, Monheim. With Brutal Unrest, Symbiontic, World Downfall.
  70. : Break The Universe, AWO Jugendkulturhaus, Bergisch Gladbach. With World Downfall, Khaosick, Fortified, Enrage, Acts of Rage, Fratricide .
  71. : Dong Open Air, Dongberg, Neukirchen-Vluyn, nähe Krefeld. With Finntroll(FIN), Skyclad(UK), etc.
  72. : AJZ Bahndamm, Wermelskirchen. With Vomit Remnants(JAP), Godless Truth (CZ).
  73. : Lindisfarne Release Party, Haus der Jugend, Solingen. With Lindisfarne, Battlesword, Suffocated Art, By Brute Force.
  74. : Turock, Essen. With Guerrilla, Perzonal War.
  75. : II. Metal Chaos Festival, Domizil, Erfurt. With Excrementory Grindfuckers, Xenotaph, Deus Diabolus, Retarded, Rotörbrett.
  76. : Dark Burning Metal Party, Ex, Vlotho. With Rotten Seed.
  77. : R(h)ein in die Fresse, Klangstation, Bonn/Bad Godesberg. With Jack Slater, Convent(POL), Tears of Decay, Gorezone.
  78. : Hell over Krefeld Pt.2, Schymy's Pub, Krefeld. With Goat of Mendes, Fallen Yggdrasil, Midwinter u.v.m..
  79. : Spektrum, Castrop-Rauxel. With Custard, Oneiros.
  80. : Love & Peace Festival, JZ Mühle, Duisburg. With Resurrected, World Downfall, Warchild X, Khaosick, Shapeshifter.
  81. : Battles in the Norf 2, Haus Derikum, Neuss-Norf. With Katafalk(NL), Sarx, Domination, Power.
  82. : Metalbörse, Kulturfabrik, Esche-Alzette (Luxemburg). With Stormrider u.a..
  83. : CD Release Party, LUX, Ratingen. With Elm's Fire, Power.
  84. : Tear It Down Part II, Multikult, Paderborn. With Despised, Like Thousand Suns,Rotten Seed.
  85. : Cologne in the Dark Pt. 1, BüZe, Köln. With Dew-Scented, Hate Factor, Power, Contrary.
  86. : Hell Night Death & Thrashmetal, Spektakulum, Düsseldorf-Benrath. With Midwinter, Forces@Work, Rotten Seed.
  87. : Metal Night V, Haus der Jugend, Neuss. With Khaosick, Equilibrium, Abaddon, Guerrilla.
  88. : Schymy´s Pub, Krefeld-Uerdingen. With I.N.R.I.(NL), Grind Inc., Resurrected.
  89. : Halle Luja, Oedt. With Hate Factor, Koroded, Jack Slater, Mortal Form(NL).
  90. : Battles in the Norf 1, Haus Derikum, Neuss. With Jack Slater, Sarx, Depredation.
  91. : Brasserie Frauental, Biedenkopf. With Sarx, Decision to Hate.
  92. : JZ Mühle, Duisburg-Rheinhausen. With Hate Factor, Shapeshifter, Facecut, World Downfall, Battlesword.
  93. : KuFa, Krefeld. With Dislike.
  94. : Zeilers, Frechen. With Hellmasters, Power, Chapel Desecrator.
  95. : Ak-47, Düsseldorf-Flingern. With On the Brink, Elm´s Fire.
  96. : Christmas Metal Night, U-Bahn, Iserlohn. With Assassin, Darth.
  97. : NRW Thrash´n`Death Fest, Spektakulum, Düsseldorf-Benrath. With Night in Gales, Mabus, Forces@Work.
  98. : Krust Attack, Schymy´s Pub, Krefeld-Uerdingen. With Abyssaria, Elm´s Fire.
  99. : Untertage, Sojus 7, Monheim. With Irmingot, Chant of Blasphemy, Eternal Frost.
  100. : Kantanto Blanco´s Donnerhall, Haus Spilles, Düsseldorf-Benrath. With Dream of Nebiros, Elm´s Fire.
  101. : Haus Derikum, Neuss-Derikum. With Human Bastard, The Satyr, Solicitude.
  102. : Cd Release Party, Lux, Ratingen. With Battlesword, Coronation.
  103. : Radhaus, Kleve. With Manstractor, Transgression.
  104. : Stahlwerk, Düsseldorf. With Satyr, Lost Enemy, Wicked Garden.
  105. : Deathparade Warmup Party, Schützenhaus, Düsseldorf-Rath. With Medea.
  106. : Day of Devastation, Haus Derikum, Neuss-Derikum. With Veneral Disease, Hate Factor, Elohim.
  107. : Radhaus, Kleve. With Elohim, Grabnebelfürsten.
  108. : Brainslaughter Festival VIII, BüZe, Köln-Ehrenfeld. With Veneral Disease, Serial Butcher(BEL), Human Bastard u.a..
  109. : Stahlwerk, Düsseldorf. With Symbiontic, Dokmatic, Human Bastard.
  110. : Café Kultus, Grevenbroich. With Gang Bang, Kraneberger.
  111. : Nightmare Festival XVII, K17, Berlin. With Resurrected, Dark Man Shadow, Purify, Schwarze Stille.
  112. : 7. Mülheimer Metal Mayhem, AJZ, Mülheim an der Ruhr. With Solicitude, Symbiontic, Depredation.
  113. : Metalparty, Lux, Ratingen. With Witchtower, Depredation.
  114. : Halle Luja, Oedt. With Hate Factor, Perzonal War, Torture Chamber, Coronation.
  115. : United in Darkness Festival, Haus Derikum, Neuss-Derikum. With Lindisfarne, Midwinter, Abyssaria, Deiception.
  116. : RKW, Viersen. With Serenity in Murder, Battlesword, Suffocated Art.
  117. : After Death Show, Titty Twister Club, Düsseldorf. With Hate Factor, Abyssaria, Midwinter, Nebular Moon, Das Kruschke.
  118. : "10 Jahre Café Nord" Party, Roxy, Essen. With Guerrilla, Manstractor, Umbra, Decay.
  119. : Haus der Jugend, Solingen. With Lindisfarne, Suffocated Art, Forced to Decay.
  120. : Metalparty, Lux, Ratingen. With Midwinter, Abyssaria.